Details for Artists

In the spirit of longstanding annual clothesline festivals such as East Hampton’s (Long Island) Guild Hall Clothesline Art Sale and The University of Rochester’s MAG Clothesline Festival, our goal is to provide a simple venue where artists can showcase their work.

– Setup for registered artists will begin at 7 AM on Saturday, September 18th on the White Hart Lawn.
– Early buying opportunities for event sponsors begin at 9 AM. The event will be open to the public from 10:30 AM – 3:30 PM.
– This is a masked event. Please bring your own mask.
– Parking will be available in the back lot of the White Hart or along 41. Please do not plan to use the Provisions parking area as that should remain available to Provisions customers.
– Artists in the tent should plan to bring S hooks on which to hang their work. Artists preferring a table and/or needing a chair should plan to be responsible for those. We’ll be providing the tent space and 6′ high, 2″ x 4″ wire fencing, (with supporting upright posts every 6-7′) on which to hang artwork.
– Artists bringing a popup should consider side walls to protect against inclement weather and can configure their space inside their popup as they see fit. Fencing will not be provided for popup tents.
– Please plan your own method of payment collection. If you are going to take payment over your phone via PayPal, Venmo, Square, etc., make sure your phone is fully charged.
– You may want to plan on bringing packing materials for any sold works.
– Please plan for a lunch. It will be difficult for SFS volunteers to cover any booths for breaks.
– You may wish to bring bug repellant.
– Can you help promote our event? Please consider downloading our promotional poster (PDF, or jpg) and sharing it with your friends and clients and following us on @salisburyfamilyservices on Instagram!

For everyone’s safety, all artists and guests must be masked for the duration of the event.

We’re doing our best to publicize the event as widely as possible but would also appreciate it if artists could promote the event on social media.

Please See Our Artist List

Registration is now closed.